A Timeline for Patent Applications
So you have an invention and you want to file a patent application on it. When is the right time to do it? Many people argue that you...
A StartUp and its Intellectual Property – A Timeline
* Published in the Jerusalem Post, 28Sep15 Amir and Yossi have a new idea for an interesting mobile app, one they think will go viral...
Registering Patent Ownership
You’d think that ownership of Intellectual Property is the business of lawyers. After all, they handle the contractual relationships...
Should You Patent Your Invention, Part 2
In a previous post, I talked about the importance of filing a patent application if you have an innovative product. But what should you...
Patent Trolls- Are They Really Bad?
We have all heard about patent trolls, those firms that prey on legitimate companies, extorting millions in patent royalty fees without...
Hedy LaMarr - Beauty and Brains
As a female patent attorney and MIT graduate, I have always been fascinated by women inventors and especially by Hedy LaMarr, a famed...
Should You Patent Your Idea?
Hillel Fuld, in his recent blog article “The Most Outrageous Questions Startup Founders Get Asked by Friends/Family” on his...
Chinese Patents – a waste of money?
*first published in The Jerusalem Post 12Apr16 Everyone knows that the Chinese produce inexpensive products. They are also known for...
Leonardo da Vinci and Engineering Art
Some time ago, we saw the da Vinci exhibit, a traveling exhibit honoring and showing the works of Leonardo da Vinci. It was an amazing...
How is Marketing like Patenting?
On the surface, marketing is not at all like patenting. A patent is a technical document that defines an invention. Marketing, on the...